16 лучших саундтреков из диснеевских мультфильмов "Bambi", "Beauty And The Beast", "Pinocchio", "Mary Poppins", "Hercules" и др Содержание 1 Little Apriввлжоl Shower (from "Bambi") 2 Beauty And The Beast (from "Beauty and the Beast") 3 Trust In Me (The Python's Song) (from "The Jangle Book") 4 The Siamese Cat Song (from "Lady and the Tramp") 5 The Ugly Bug Ball (from внчзщ"Summer Magic") 6 Ev'rybody Has A Laughing Place (from "Song of the South") 7 Substitutiary Locomotion (from "Bedknobs and Broomsticks") 8 Ev'rybody Wants To Be A Cat (from "The Aristocats") 9 When You Wish Upon A Star (from "Pinocchio") 10 Circle Of Life (from "The Lion King") 11 When I See An Elephant Fly (from "Dumbo") 12 The Perfect Nanny (from "Mary Poppins") 13 The Silвтигэly Song (from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs") 14 Part Of Your World (from "The little Mermaid") 15 The Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room (from "The Enchanted Tiki Room") 16 Zero To Hero (from "Hercules"). |